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In our website we have an extensive collection of porn videos of all kinds, treat yourself and get a good wank with the best recordings XXX Internet.
We like to have our videos well organized so enjoy the large number of XXX categories that you will find, we have from golfas fucking like whores, to mature cucumbers sticking into the vagina, if you like the anal quiet there is also.
But we only upload the best videos, from the best websites about pornography, we collect videos Xvideos, PornHub, Xhamster, Beeg, RedTube and many others.
VideosX a little history of Porn.
Surely you didn't know that the X videos emerged as all the films linked to television, because what we wanted to avoid was that the audiovisual reproductions were live.
But leaving us of rolls, the first film of content for adults was created by Eugène Pirou and Albert Kirchner in 1896, it was recorded in black and white like silent cinema.
It showed the lady of the house "Louise Willy" performing a striptease, at that time they liked the fat enfajadas, small were the noble moustaches of then, more than one had a good pagilla with this first porn scene of history.
Then came the black and white televisions, where the vast majority of porn shootings were live, XXX television productions called them, the father fucked them live and to something else.
Then came the TV in color, we could masturbate without having to imagine too much as the chumino had the porn actress, the nipples were seen more clearly. After that, came the videotapes, which were simple recordings of images made with a videoscope, with it came the videosBeta and VHS. You could go to the videostore and rent your favorite porn movie, take it home and peel your cock all day, many titles of these already recorded with better video cameras can be found on xvideos and other internet pronotube.
At present we have multiple formats to enjoy the best filming of obscenities that satisfy our lust and lust. Since today we have different formats of reproduction and a wide variety of XxX videos. Inventions such as DVDs or digital Video make this the time when it is easier to see, big cocks tearing peeled pussies or young girls being impaled by their pussy, anus and mouth.
RedTube, pornhot, xhamstre, blondes19 and long etc... one could say that they are responsible for providing the vast majority of Spanish pornography. Only xvideos reproduces 50 million porn scenes a day, if we add the rest of Tubes websites that you find in the net the statistics shoot up. It seems that now you see more dirty videos than at any time in history, perhaps because now watching porn videos online is completely free. It could also be that now is when there are more whores in the world, but that gives for another article.
Xvideos is the largest pornographic video network in the internet.
No doubt xvideos is one of the largest, with more than 350 million searches worldwide, a website that has the largest variety of sexual content for over 18 years. Providing a wide variety of public endless recordings and scenes of explicit sex, where you can find anything, as it has a wide section of categories such as, mature, anal, interracial, young girls eating cocks, in short a wide variety of videos xxx porn, women and men fucking and eating cock for free.
If there is one thing for sure is that the xvideos platform is not known for having great quality in its player, but that has a because and being one of the first sites to upload videosxxx on the net has its drawbacks. Since 1996 that is when the company was founded has already rained. In fact the quality of digital video movies was very low. There was also no great speed on the internet so the visual formats had to be very low weight in megabytes. But not being so exquisite with the quality, you can find good material as most videos are amateur couples and some other horny and sexy busty slut that is filmed while fucking enjoying a good fuck. In short, you could say that xvideos is a good website to play while you see how a good aunt is fucked.